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Text File  |  1996-11-10  |  9KB  |  149 lines

  1. of passwords on that one account.  Be careful, though!  This works fine on
  2. systems that don't keep track of invalid logins, but on a system like a VMS,
  3. someone is going to have a heart attack if they come back and see '600 Bad
  4. Login Attempts Since Last Session' on their account.  There are also some
  5. operating systems that disconnect after 'x' number of invalid login attempts
  6. and refuse to allow any more attempts for one hour, or ten minutes, or some-
  7. times until the next day.
  8.    The following list is taken from my own password database plus the data-
  9. base of passwords that was used in the Internet UNIX Worm that was running
  10. around in November of 1988.  For a shorter group, try first names, computer
  11. terms, and obvious things like 'secret', 'password', 'open', and the name
  12. of the account.  Also try the name of the company that owns the computer
  13. system (if known), the company initials, and things relating to the products
  14. the company makes or deals with.
  15.                               Password List
  16.                               =============
  17.       aaa                daniel             jester             rascal
  18.       academia           danny              johnny             really
  19.       ada                dave               joseph             rebecca
  20.       adrian             deb                joshua             remote
  21.       aerobics           debbie             judith             rick
  22.       airplane           deborah            juggle             reagan
  23.       albany             december           julia              robot
  24.       albatross          desperate          kathleen           robotics
  25.       albert             develop            kermit             rolex
  26.       alex               diet               kernel             ronald
  27.       alexander          digital            knight             rosebud
  28.       algebra            discovery          lambda             rosemary
  29.       alias              disney             larry              roses
  30.       alpha              dog                lazarus            ruben
  31.       alphabet           drought            lee                rules
  32.       ama                duncan             leroy              ruth
  33.       amy                easy               lewis              sal
  34.       analog             eatme              light              saxon
  35.       anchor             edges              lisa               scheme
  36.       andy               edwin              louis              scott
  37.       andrea             egghead            lynne              scotty
  38.       animal             eileen             mac                secret
  39.       answer             einstein           macintosh          sensor
  40.       anything           elephant           mack               serenity
  41.       arrow              elizabeth          maggot             sex
  42.       arthur             ellen              magic              shark
  43.       asshole            emerald            malcolm            sharon
  44.       athena             engine             mark               shit
  45.       atmosphere         engineer           markus             shiva
  46.       bacchus            enterprise         marty              shuttle
  47.       badass             enzyme             marvin             simon
  48.       bailey             euclid             master             simple
  49.       banana             evelyn             maurice            singer
  50.       bandit             extension          merlin             single
  51.       banks              fairway            mets               smile
  52.       bass               felicia            michael            smiles
  53.       batman             fender             michelle           smooch
  54.       beauty             fermat             mike               smother
  55.       beaver             finite             minimum            snatch
  56.       beethoven          flower             minsky             snoopy
  57.       beloved            foolproof          mogul              soap
  58.       benz               football           moose              socrates
  59.       beowulf            format             mozart             spit
  60.       berkeley           forsythe           nancy              spring
  61.       berlin             fourier            napoleon           subway
  62.       beta               fred               network            success
  63.       beverly            friend             newton             summer
  64.       bob                frighten           next               super
  65.       brenda             fun                olivia             support
  66.       brian              gabriel            oracle             surfer
  67.       bridget            garfield           orca               suzanne
  68.       broadway           gauss              orwell             tangerine
  69.       bumbling           george             osiris             tape
  70.       cardinal           gertrude           outlaw             target
  71.       carmen             gibson             oxford             taylor
  72.       carolina           ginger             pacific            telephone
  73.       caroline           gnu                painless           temptation
  74.       castle             golf               pam                tiger
  75.       cat                golfer             paper              toggle
  76.       celtics            gorgeous           password           tomato
  77.       change             graham             pat                toyota
  78.       charles            gryphon            patricia           trivial
  79.       charming           guest              penguin            unhappy
  80.       charon             guitar             pete               unicorn
  81.       chester            hacker             peter              unknown
  82.       cigar              harmony            philip             urchin
  83.       classic            harold             phoenix            utility
  84.       coffee             harvey             pierre             vicky
  85.       coke               heinlein           pizza              virginia
  86.       collins            hello              plover             warren
  87.       comrade            help               polynomial         water
  88.       computer           herbert            praise             weenie
  89.       condo              honey              prelude            whatnot
  90.       condom             horse              prince             whitney
  91.       cookie             imperial           protect            will
  92.       cooper             include            pumpkin            william
  93.       create             ingres             puppet             willie
  94.       creation           innocuous          rabbit             winston
  95.       creator            irishman           rachmaninoff       wizard
  96.       cretin             isis               rainbow            wombat
  97.       daemon             japan              raindrop           yosemite
  98.       dancer             jessica            random             zap
  99. Part Four: Wrapping it up!
  100. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  101.    I hope this file has been of some help in getting started.  If you're
  102. asking yourself the question 'Why hack?', then you've probably wasted a lot
  103. of time reading this, as you'll never understand.  For those of you who
  104. have read this and found it useful, please send a tax-deductible donation
  105. of $5.00 (or more!) in the name of the Legion of Doom to:
  106.                                        The American Cancer Society
  107.                                        90 Park Avenue
  108.                                        New York, NY  10016
  109. ******************************************************************************
  110. References:
  111. 1) Introduction to ItaPAC by Blade Runner
  112.    Telecom Security Bulletin #1
  113. 2) The IBM VM/CMS Operating System by Lex Luthor
  114.    The LOD/H Technical Journal #2
  115. 3) Hacking the IRIS Operating System by The Leftist
  116.    The LOD/H Technical Journal #3
  117. 4) Hacking CDC's Cyber by Phrozen Ghost
  118.    Phrack Inc. Newsletter #18
  119. 5) USENET comp.risks digest (various authors, various issues)
  120. 6) USENET unix.wizards forum (various authors)
  121. 7) USENET info-vax forum (various authors)
  122. Recommended Reading:
  123. 1) Hackers by Steven Levy
  124. 2) Out of the Inner Circle by Bill Landreth
  125. 3) Turing's Man by J. David Bolter
  126. 4) Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder
  127. 5) Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Burning Chrome, all
  128.    by William Gibson
  129. 6) Reality Hackers Magazine c/o High Frontiers, P.O. Box 40271, Berkeley,
  130.    California, 94704, 415-995-2606
  131. 7) Any of the Phrack Inc. Newsletters & LOD/H Technical Journals you can find.
  132. Acknowledgements:
  133.    Thanks to my wife for putting up with me.
  134.    Thanks to Lone Wolf for the RSTS & TOPS assistance.
  135.    Thanks to Android Pope for proofreading, suggestions, and beer.
  136.    Thanks to The Urvile/Necron 99 for proofreading & Cyber info.
  137.    Thanks to Eric Bloodaxe for wading through all the trash.
  138.    Thanks to the users of Phoenix Project for their contributions.
  139.    Thanks to Altos Computer Systems, Munich, for the chat system.
  140.    Thanks to the various security personel who were willing to talk to
  141.              me about how they operate.
  142. Boards:
  143.    I can be reached on the following systems with some regularity-
  144.        The Phoenix Project:    512/441-3088    300-2400 baud
  145.        Hacker's Den88:         718/358-9209    300-1200 baud
  146.        Smash Palace South:     512/478-6747    300-2400 baud
  147.        Smash Palace North:     612/633-0509    300-2400 baud